Saturday, June 9, 2007

Owen Butler in Harrisburg, PA

Owen Butler: Acclaimed Photographer, Educator, Author, and Publisher

To Speak at HACC

Lecture, with Images and Readings: "An Undefined Photographer"

Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Rose Lehrman Arts Center Theatre (Auditorium) at the Harrisburg Area Community College.

Admission Free: to students, the amateur and professional photographic community, and public; all are welcome!

Book-signing and Reception: of Owen's newly-published book, The Final Print: A Metaphor For Influence, Understanding And Practice, immediately following the lecture in the Rose Lehrman Art Center Gallery (books available for sale at the event)

The free to the public lecture is made possible by a Special Initiatives Grant from the Harrisburg Area Community College Foundation, and with be followed in the Rose Lehrman Art Center Gallery by a book-signing of Prof. Butler's newly-released book,

The Final Print: A Metaphor For
Influence, Understanding And Practice.

Owen Butler holds two degrees from the Rochester Institute of Technology's School of Photographic Arts & Sciences and has been teaching at RIT for 38 years. Butler served as long-time Chairs of the Applied Photography Department and the Military Photojournalism program.RIT is generally acknowledged as the world's largest and most renowned school of photography.

Butler studied at RIT with professors Minor White and Ralph Hattersley, and enjoyed friendships with a range of other iconic photographers, including Andre Kertesz, David Vestal, Philip Perkis, Charles A. Arnold, Jr., and W. Eugene Smith.

At RIT, Prof. Butler has taught courses and workshops in Applied Photography II, Narrative / Documentary / Editorial Photography I, Second Year Summer Transfer program, Summer Graduate Transfer program, Black-and-White View-Camera Workshop, Second Year Studio Photography, Underwater Photography, Introduction to Professional Photography, Zone System, Public Service Advertising, Photographic Communications, Navy photojournalism Program (DOD), Digital & Electronic imaging, and Digital Book Production and Design.

Owen Butler has had 40 group and one person shows since 1968, including the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Museum of Modern Art NYC, Pratt Institute, Burden Gallery / Aperture Foundation NYC, and Museum of Image and Sound / Brazil. Owen is the founder of OB Press: a small unique digital printing organization dedicated to the printing of electronically designed and digitally printed books.

His publication credits include Advanced Black-and-White Photography: Hurbert Birnbaum and Owen Butler, Eastman Kodak Company Workshop Series; Less Than Sharp, A Moment of Vision, and Photography For Visual Communicators: Prentice-Hall.

Butler has lectured and conducted workshops as diverse as Pratt Institute, Museum of Image and Sound / Brazil, Indiana University, United States Military Academy, and Harrisburg Area Community College. Prof. Butler is a consultant for Eastman Kodak Company and Serbin Communications, and is on the Advisory Boards of Photographer's Forum magazine and Harrisburg Area Community College. In 2004, RIT announced the prestigious Owen Butler Photography Scholarship, funded to honor Owen in perpetuity by a former Owen Butler student.

Special thanks to Ron Talbott (Senior Professor of Art, Harrisburg Area Community College) and his team for making this event happen.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Capital Area Greenbelt - Barn at State Hospital

Below images were captured at State Hospital Premises of the Capital Area Greenbelt, Harrisburg, PA.

Thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Capital Area Greenbelt - Five Senses Garden

Below images were captured at Five Senses Gardens of the Capital Area Greenbelt, Harrisburg, PA.

Below is a close-up shot of a leaf seen in the above image at lower right corner.

The Labyrinth

Thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

91st Pennsylvania Farm Show

One of the most celebrated in the country, attracting more than 400,000 spectators, offering residents and visitors alike an opportunity to experience the impact agriculture has on the commonwealth.Including some pictures shot on the first day [06-Jan-2007] and the weather was warm and unusual for this period of the year, which was in its 60s.

When: Jan 6 - 13

Where: Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA
Animals: around 10,000
Exhibits: around 8,000
Commercial exhibitors: around 270
Prize money: around $440,000


From Black and White perspective

Below are some of my farm show shots using TMAX-100 Black and White film:- 


Visit for detailed information.Hope you enjoyed it.